Mr. Cummings' Math...
                                            Your "A" Starts Here!
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Advanced Math (Pre-Algebra)

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Pre-Algebra Text Book
Assignment Summary





Homework Policy


Homework is expected to be completed daily and will be checked randomly.  Homework will be checked to see that the student is attempting the assignment; grades for homework are given on a completion basis.  Late homework will receive partial credit. Failure to submit any graded homework assignment results in a zero for that assignment.  Students are to correct their work when we go over the assignment in class.



Tutoring by Mr. Cummings


Funding was not available this year for free math tutoring at Galaxy Middle School.  However, because I know many students need extra help, I have decided to volunteer my time to help students that required a little more assistance.  I plan to be available each Thursday morning before school beginning from 8:00am through 8:45am (Occasionally, I will be required to leave at 8:20 for parent conferences scheduled by administration/team members.).  

Students must show a pass in order to access the classroom buildings before school.  Students interested in tutoring must obtain a pass from Mr. Cummings prior to Thursday morning and must have that pass with them Thursday morning in order to attend tutoring.



 We have a great Pre-Alg Book and Practice Workbook this year!

Most of our classwork and homework will come directly from the workbook provided to each student that follows our text.  When additional support is needed, Mr. Cummings may provide additional practice worksheets and/or handouts.


Students should write down the complete assignment information in their planners each day during class.  If students have lost their planner, they may use a notebook (spiral or composition) in place of the planner.   Students should cut and paste a copy of the FCAT Reference sheet in the homemade planner notebook.

  If a student misses class, he/she is expected to obtain the assignment for the missed class from a classmate.  If a handout is required, the student must ask Mr. Cummings or the classroom volunteer Ms. Paula for a copy of the missed handout. 

You should have already finished the following
Workbook Practice 1.1 & 2.1
Return Parent Letter with Email
Memorize the seven key features of the coordinate plane
The King’s Orders Questionnaire
Fractions as Division (worksheet)
Workbook Practice 1.2 & 2.2
Workbook Practice 1.3 & 2.3
Workbook Practice 1.4
Workbook Practice 2.4 & 2.5
Workbook Practice 2.6
All Workbook Practice Pages for Chapter 3 (at least every other problem)
All Workbook pages for Chapter 4 (at least every other problem)
Workbook Practice 5.1
Workbook Practice 5.2

Practice multiplication facts through the 12’s (daily until mastered)

Students should have mastered "Integer Math", "Fraction Math", and "Solving 1-step Equations".  Mastery is reflected by an "A" on each of the respective summary exams as recorded in Pinnacle the during the second 9-week period.


Examples, practice pages, assignments -- If I tell you its on-line to download, it's here.

Example of the FOIL Method

Factoring with Grouping (5-step method)

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